Products > Metal
Perforated Sheet is a new addition to the Peterson Inventory, we stock many different sizes, gauges, patterns, etc. Our well-trained sales staff will be happy to assist you in selecting the correct style for your application.
Round Staggered Perforations
Round Straight Perforations
Square Perforations
The “margin” on a perforated sheet or plate refers to the distance from the edge of the
sheet to the first perforation along the same dimension. “No margin” refers to the last row
or set of perforations extending off the sheet or plate.
Minimum Margins
Perforated stock size sheet or plate with minimum margins
Specified Margins
Sheet or plate resheared after perforating with margins specified.
On staggered pattern perforations, the end patterns will either be “finished” or “unfinished” depending on the tooling available. An unfurnished end pattern is Standard; however, a finished end is available as a non-standard item.
“Unfinished” end patterns are standard on some staggered pattern perforations, meaning the hole pattern appears incomplete at the end of the sheet.
Staggered Patterns
Call our sales staff for more information!
CO: (303) 388-6322
UT: (801) 972-3328
Unfinished end pattern
Finished end pattern
Straight Line Patterns
Photos may not be actual size due to printing process
.020” DIA. .043” CTRS
.045” DIA. .066” CTRS
1/6” DIA. 7/64” CTRS
.117” DIA. 5/32” CTRS
5/32” DIA. 3/16” CTRS
3/16” DIA. 3/8” CTRS
1/4” DIA. 1/2” STAGGERED 23% OPEN
.023” DIA. .042” CTRS
.045” DIA. 5/16” CTRS
1/16” DIA. 1/8” CTRS
1/8” DIA. 3/16” CTRS
5/32” DIA. 1/4” CTRS
3/16” DIA. 1/2” CTRS
1/4” DIA. 1/2” STRAIGHT 20% OPEN
.027” DIA. .050” CTRS
.050” DIA. .083” CTRS
5/64” DIA. 1/8” CTRS
1/8” DIA. 7/32” CTRS
3/16” DIA. 7/32” CTRS
1/4” DIA. 5/16” CTRS
5/16” DIA. 11/16” CTRS.
46% OPEN
1/32” DIA. 1/16 CTRS
3/64” DIA. 3/32” CTRS
3/32” DIA. 5/32” CTRS
1/8” DIA. 1/4” CTRS
3/16” DIA. 1/4” CTRS
1/4” DIA. 3/8” CTRS
3/8” DIA. 9/16” CTRS.
40% OPEN
.033” DIA. .055 CTRS
S 1/16” DIA. 3/32” CTRS
3/32” DIA. 3/16” CTRS
9/64” DIA. 3/16” CTRS
3/16” DIA. 5/16” CTRS
1/4” DIA. 3/8” CTRS
3/8 DIA. 1/2” CTRS.
52% OPEN
1/2” DIA. 11/16” CTRS. 48% OPEN
5/8” DIA. 7/8” CTRS. 46% OPEN
3/4” DIA. 1” CTRS. 51% OPEN
1” DIA. 1-3/8 CTRS. 48% OPEN
U-Edging strip is used to edge perforated sheet, expanded metals and welded or woven wire in numerous structural and architectural applications to provide a safer, more attractive appearance.
– U-Edging is available in 10’-0” stock lengths with various openings (see chart).
– Custom U-Edging lengths and sizes are available.
– Available in Carbon Steel, Aluminum or Stainless Steel.
Main Office: 1-(800) 447-5907
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